CARLOS IV (1748-1819) KING OF SPAIN (1788-1808) Autograph and partly typed letter, signed «Yo El Rey» Aranjuez 7 June 1806, countersigned «José A Caballero» and countersigned on the reverse in Madrid on 11 June 1806 and 14 June 1806.

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1p 1/2, in 4, headed «El Rey». In Spanish. Approval of the request for mutation of Mr. Martin Hartmann. ‎”Por quanto he resuelto que Dn Martin Hartmann subteniente de la tercera compania del primer batallon, del Regimiento de Infanteria suizo de Betschart pase a servir la subtenencia de la primera Compania del primer Batallon del de Reding numero segundo, por permuta que ha solicitado y he tenido a bien de aprobar…» “Whereas I have resolved that Mr. Martin Hartmann, sub-lieutenant of the third company of the first battalion of the Swiss Infantry Regiment of Betschart, will serve the sub-lieutenancy of the first company of the first battalion of the second battalion of Reding, by exchange which he has requested and which I have been pleased to approve...».