SVOBODNY GOLÓS' [Free Voice] and other issues edited by S.P. Melgunov. Paris, 1946-[1957]. [A total of 27 compilations].
Lotto 823
Svobodny golós. Issues 1-3. 20.6x13 cm.
Subsequent issues were released under individual titles:
Svobodnoe slovo [Free Word]. 1946. No. 1 (4). 21x12.5 cm;
Nezavisimoe slovo [Independent Word]. 1946. No. 5. 23.5x15.5 cm;
Svobodnaya mysl' [Free Thought]. 1946. No. 6. 1947, No. 10. 23.5x15.5 cm;
Nezavisimaya mysl' [Independent Thought]. 1947. No. 7. 24x15.5 cm;
Nezavisimy golos [Independent Voice]. 1947. No. 8, 9. 24x15.5 cm;
Rossiya i emigratsiya [Russia and Emigration]. 1947. No. 11. 24x15.5 cm;
Za Rossiyu [For Russia]. 1947. 24x15.5 cm;
Za svobodu Rossii [For the Freedom of Russia]. 1948. 24x15.5 cm;
Bor'ba za Rossiyu [Struggle for Russia]. 1948. 24x15.5 cm;
Rossiyskiy demokrat [Russian Democrat]. 1948-1957. Nos. 15-27. 22.8x15.5 cm.
All issues in publisher's covers. In very good condition.
Sergei Petrovich Melgunov (1879-1956) was a Russian historian, publisher, journalist, political activist, and participant in the anti-Bolshevik struggle after the October Revolution. S.P. Melgunov gained recognition as a historian for his research on the history of the Russian Revolution and the Civil War. He also studied the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and social movements.