DAMSKIE MODY XIX veka: Istoriko-khudozhestvennaya monografiya o zhenskikh nravakh i vkusakh; [NINETEENTH CENTURY WOMEN'S FASHIONS: A historical and artistic monograph on women's customs and tastes]; with numerous illustrations depicting the evolution of women's attire from 1797 to 1898.

Lotto 921
St. Petersburg: Published by the editorial board of the "New Journal of Foreign Literature"; printed by A.S. Suvorin, 1899. – [3], 235 p.: ill.; 17x12 cm. Bound in early 20th-century half-leather with leather corners and gilt embossing, covers lined with marbled paper. Publisher's illustrated cover preserved. In good condition. Minor wear and soiling to the binding. From the preface: "Nothing is more typical and picturesque, more suited to the character, spirit, and morality of a known people or era, than the prevailing fashions and environment of that time. Clothing and manner of dress have a profound influence on literature, painting, and sculpture... France has been and remains, from time immemorial, the creator of fashions. It has managed to compel other nations to submit to the eternal variability of fashion, the constant change not only in clothing styles, but also in the entire setting. Therefore, by acquainting oneself with the history of French fashion, one becomes acquainted with the history of fashion throughout Europe."