ERMAK, Zavoevatel' Sibiri: Istoricheskaya povest'. [Conqueror of Siberia: A Historical Novel.] – 2nd edition. Moscow: Imperial Moscow Theatre Printing House, by N. Stepanov, 1827.

Lotto 892
– 170 pages; 17x11 cm. Dedication: “Khrabromu Donskomu voinstvu” [“To the Brave Don Warriors”] signed: Publisher I.D. In a full leather period binding. Gilt spine. In good condition. Without the frontispiece. Minor scuffs on the binding, library stamps on the title page and the reverse of the title page. The first edition was published in 1807 in Moscow under the title: «Zhizn' i voennye deyaniya Ermakа, zavoevatelya Sibirі, vybrannye iz rossiyskikh i inostrannykh pisateley» [“The Life and Military Deeds of Ermak, Conqueror of Siberia, Selected from Russian and Foreign Writers”] with the same dedication and publisher's signature. According to the renowned bibliophile N.P. Smirnov-Sokolsky: “The described collection is the first book about Ermak: prior to it, only a few articles about him were known...”.