Lotto 815
In French. Letters 29.7 x 21 cm - Envelopes 11.5 x 16.2 cm 1) Autograph letter signed ‘H.Troyat’, [Bromeilles] 4 June 1979. 1 p. ½, Mailing folds. Handwritten stamped envelope addressed to Monsieur Gérard Leman in Tourcoing, postmarks ‘45 Puiseaux, Loiret / 5-6-1979’. ‘… No matter how talented the director, there is an unbridgeable gap between the novel and its television adaptation. The latter cannot claim to recreate the exact atmosphere, the psychological nuances, the slow evolution of feelings and the passage of time that are the essence of a book...’. 2) Autograph letter signed ‘H.Troyat’, [Paris] 18.10.82 1 p. Mailing folds. Handwritten stamped envelope addressed to Mr Gérard Leman in Tourcoing, postmarked ‘Paris Tri Montparnasse / 18-10-1982’, on the reverse handwritten reference ‘H.Troyat / 5 rue Bonaparte / 75006 Paris’. ‘… I wrote three plays a long time ago. If I haven't persevered, it's because I'm used to working alone... I fear more and more the intrusion of a world of actors, directors and set designers between the writer and his work. A good novel printed on bad paper remains a good novel, but a good play performed by bad actors becomes a bad play. That's what makes me hesitate. But I'm not saying that one day...’ 3) Autograph letter signed ‘H.Troyat’, Paris 12 May 1983 1 p. handwritten letterhead ‘Henri Troyat / 5 rue Bonaparte / 75006 Paris’, Mailing folds. Handwritten stamped envelope addressed to Mr Gérard Leman in Tourcoing, postmarked ‘Paris 6e, rue de Sèvres / 13-5-1983’, on the reverse handwritten reference ‘H.Troyat / 5 rue Bonaparte / 75006 Paris’. ‘... I'm glad you enjoyed “La Dérision” so much that you wanted to know more about its author. A few years ago, I published a kind of autobiography in dialogue, entitled ‘Un si long chemin’...’ 4) Autograph letter signed ‘H.Troyat’, [Bromeilles] 24 August 1986 1 p. Mailing folds. Handwritten stamped envelope addressed to Mr Gérard Leman in Tourcoing, postmarked ‘45 Puiseaux, Loiret / 25-8-86’, on the reverse handwritten reference ‘H.Troyat / Bromeilles / 45390 Puiseaux’. ‘… Many personalities of the twentieth century deserve to be mentioned in a biography. I have chosen a Russian writer who straddles two eras, Maxim Gorky. The book I have devoted to this author, who is little known to the French public, will be published in October this year...’. 5) Autograph letter signed ‘H.Troyat’, [Paris] 24 April 1987 1 p. headed paper printed ‘Académie Française / 23, Quai de Conti, VIe’, mailing folds. Handwritten stamped envelope addressed to Mr Gérard Leman in Tourcoing, postmarked ‘Paris, rue de Sèvres / 24-4-1987’, on verso printed ‘Académie Française’ and handwritten mention ‘H.Troyat’. ‘... When I write a novel, I mix truthful details with imaginary plots, ... I combine authenticity and lies. Thus in ‘The Third Happiness’...’ Henri Troyat French writer of Russian origin, member of the Académie française (elected in 1959), he received the Prix Goncourt for L'Araigne in 1938. Author of numerous novels and biographical works From 1970 to 2003, the writer had a second home at Bromeilles in the Loiret, where he spent his summers and some weekends.