MAX BORN (1882-1970) Autograph letter signed Letter signed “M. Born” to Kenneth Heuer in New York, editor of Borns Memories published in English by Charles Scribner’s Sons in 1968 Bad Harzburg, 24.VII.1967.

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Fol. 1 page. In English. “Airmail light letter” on bluish paper with address and sender on the back. The English memories appeared in 1968 under the title “My life and my views”; German edition did not appear until 1975. “...your letter has been forwarded to me (we will be here in 3388 Bad Harzburg, Hotel Harzburger Hof, until August 15th). Thank you very much for it. I had already suggested to the Nymphenburger Verlagsanstalt, that the American edition should have a different title. Your suggestions do not quite agree with my taste. I dislike ‘Faith’ or ‘Creed’ in connection with science. I believe that most of my thinking is based on more solid ground. My wife suggests the title: ‘A Scientists Recollections and Reflections’, which seems to me quite acceptable. One could also say: ‘My life and my views’, or something like that, as ‘A physicist’s life and views’. Perhaps you find a better formulation of this kind. Please let me know. I hope you can arrange for proof reading without my taking a major part; I am too old and too ill for doing such work. But if possible, I should like to see the proofs (to be sent to Bad Pyrmont) [...]”.