Lotto 916
1) Rasskazy o knigakh [Stories about Books]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo Vsesoyuznoy knizhnoy palaty, 1959. - 567 p.: ill., 6 leaves of illustrations, facsimile; 22x14.5 cm. In publisher's quarter-binding with color embossing on the covers and spine. In good condition. Rubbing to the edges of the spine and corners of the covers. 2) Moya biblioteka: Bibliograficheskoye opisanie [My Library: Bibliographic Description]: in 2 volumes. Moscow: Kniga, 1969. Vol. 1 - 532 p.: ill., 3 leaves of illustrations; Vol. 2 - 574 p.: ill., 2 leaves of illustrations; 22x17.5 cm. Two volumes in publisher's quarter-bindings and illustrated dust jackets. In excellent condition. Minor tears to the edges of the dust jackets. These indispensable editions are a must-have for collectors of Russian books. They are considered classics of Russian bibliophilia. Nikolai Petrovich Smirnov-Sokolsky (1898-1962) was a Russian bibliographer, book collector, and expert in Russian book culture.