LA CASTIGLIONE (1837-1899) VIRGINIA OLDOÏNI COUNTESS OF CASTIGLIONE Archives of the mistress of Napoleon III

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16 draft letters (about 45 pp. in all, in various formats), comprising 4 signed autographs, 11 autographs and one manuscript with autograph corrections (10 in ink and 6 in pencil). 8 are written in French, 2 in Italian. 7 are preparatory drafts with variants for 2 letters (5 drafts for one letter, 2 for the other). Virginia Oldoïni, Countess of Castiglione, better known as La Castiglione, was born to an aristocratic family from La Spezia. She was a 19th-century Italian aristocrat who achieved notoriety as a mistress of Emperor Napoleon III of France. She was also a significant figure in the early history of photography.