GUMILEV NIKOLAI (1886-1921) 1) Pis'ma o russkoi poezii [Letters on Russian Poetry] [preface by Georgy Ivanov] St. Petersburg: Mysl, 1923. 2) Principy khudozhestvennogo perevoda: Stat'I [Principles of Literary Translation: Articles] F. Batyushkov, N. Gumilev, K. Chukovsky. - 2nd edition, supplemented. St. Petersburg: Gosizdat, 1920

Lotto 982
1) Pis'ma o russkoi poezii [Letters on Russian Poetry] [preface by Georgy Ivanov] St. Petersburg: Mysl, 1923. - 224 pages. Edition of 4,000 copies. Publisher's typeset cover. The first separate edition. Articles by N. Gumilev, published in 1909 in the magazine "Apollo". These were periodic reviews of new books. In the presented edition these articles are systematised, published in chronological order. Bibliography: Lesman. No. 755. 2) Principy khudozhestvennogo perevoda: Stat'I [Principles of Literary Translation: Articles] F. Batyushkov, N. Gumilev, K. Chukovsky. - 2nd edition, supplemented. St. Petersburg: Gosizdat, 1920. 60, [4] pages. Publisher's cover. On the cover, a blue pencil signature: "P. Luknitsky"