FRANZ KRÜGER (1797–1857) Portrait of Grand Duke Frederick Francis I (Friedrich Franz I von Mecklenburg), Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 1826.
Lotto 806
5 0006 000
Inscribed on the reverse «Von Ir. (Ihre) Kgl. (Koenigliche) H(oheit) dem Grossherzogen zum Andenken 1826 Ludwigslust an Troshel
Major und Fliegel-Adjutant »( From His Royal Highness the Grand Duke in the memory of Ludwigslust Troshelyu Mayor and Adjutant’s
outbuilding 1826).
Sauce-crayon, charcoal and whitewash on paper
23.5 x 20.5 cm.
Friedrich Franz I (1756-1837) - Mecklenburg Duke (1785). In 1799 his son, Prince Friedrich Ludwig married the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna. On this occasion the Duke was granted the Order of St. Andrew.
It is depicted in the background of the palace Ludwigslust.