Lotto 213
8001 200
Histoire de Catherine II Imperatrice de Russie. Paris: 4 v. Paris, 1800. V. 1.
Х, 465 p.; 1 p. portrait.; V. 2. [2], 401 p.; V. 3. [2], 363 p., 1 p. portrait; V. 4.
[4], 2 p. portrait; 18х11 cm. In French. In four elegant full- leather bindings of
the time. Gold-leaf embossed spines and ornamental frames on the lids. Speckled
book edge. Flyleaves of ‘marbled’ paper. Silk book marks. Bookselling
stamp on the title pages. Jean Henri Castera (1749-1838), a famous French
writer, was the court historiographer of Catherine II, soon after the death of
the Empress he published her detailed biography. His book was one of the first
Catherine II’s biographies and was of great popularity both in Europe and in
Russia itself, although here it remained banned for free distribution. The author
gives reference information about the Russian Empire: the administrative system,
the organization of the Russian army, information of the huge personal
wealths of the companions and favorites of Catherine II got by them in time of
her reign. For the Russian reader, Castera’s book has remained for a long time
a rare source of information on the history of Russia in the second half of the
XVIII century.
Provenance: from the library of Elizabeth Demidova-Obolenskaya.