EDVARD MUNCH (1863-1944)
Lotto 710
4 8005 500
Autograph letter with signature to his friend, the Norwegian
painter Henrik Lund (1879-1935) in Christiania,
Tostrupgaardens Hotel. Copenhagen, 28.II.1909. in-8 °
(6.5 x 12.8 cm).
2 pages on both sides of a called “Letters Patent” with
rounded corners and edge perforation. With own address
and franking. Backside foreign pencil entry “Keysers gd 9
III Hamsun”.
Munch asks his friend for help in recovering a picture from
the Blomqvist auction house in Christiania.
At the time of our letter, Munch was preparing his fi rst
major exhibition while trying to cure his nerve and alcohol
problems through a cure at Frederiksberg Hospital in
Copenhagen under the direction of Dr. Daniel Jacobson
(1861-1939), Danish psychiatrist and professor. Munch
also portrayed Jacobson.
At the same time his artistic achievement was fi nally
recognized: while he was still in the clinic, he was awarded
the Norwegian SanktOlav Order.