EMPRESS EUGÉNIE (1826 - 1920)
Lotto 701
8001 000
2 Fine Letters to Napoleon III.
20,5 x 13,2 cm
1. Autograph letter. s.l.n.d. July 1858].
On the life of the Court (a bal where General Clerc makes advances to her) and on the threats hanging over the Emperor (she mentions
Mazzini) then in Plombières for his interview with Cavour (21 July). With an amusing remark: “... Tear up this letter that I write without
thinking about it as an idea comes to me and that I would be sorry to see appear in a collection like the intimate letters of Madame de
2. Autograph letter. Madrid, 31 October 1871.
Beautiful letter about his love for the Emperor and the Imperial Prince, about his confidence in the judgement of history and about the
situation of Spain (“that concierge lodge of Europe”).
María Eugenia Ignacia Agustina de Palafox y Kirkpatrick, 19ᵉ Countess of Teba, known as Eugenie de Montijo, born on 5 May 1826 in
Granada and died on 11 July 1920 in Madrid, wife of Napoleon III, French Emperor. As such, she bore the title of Empress of the French
from 29 January 1853 to 4 September 1870. She was the last French sovereign of Spanish origin. She played a political role and was
regent three times.