Four Porcelain figures
Lotto 1282
Porcelain figure ‘Ural quadrille’ upon the sculpture composition of sculptor N. A. Malysheva.
Porcelain, molding, painting on glaze, gilding.
Height-15.3 cm.
Blue trademark «Птица» (‘Bird’) and ‘20-66 35’.
Dulevsky porcelain factory, 1966
Porcelain figure «Dancer».
Porcelain, molding, painting on glaze, gilding.
Height-14.5 cm.
Round trademark in black ‘ПОЛОННЕ’ with the image of a flower.
Polonsky plant of art ceramics, 1950s.
Porcelain figure ‘Dancer’.
Porcelain, molding, painting on glaze, gilding.
Height-17.6 cm.
Trademark in green ‘ФYФ ПОЛОННЕ’.
Polonsky plant of art ceramics, 1950s.
Porcelain figure ‘The accordion player’.
Porcelain, molding, painting on glaze, gilding.
Height-18 cm.
Technological crack.
Polonsky plant of art ceramics, 1960-ies.