VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY (1893-1930) O: Kurske, O Komsomole, O Mae, O Polete, O Chapline, O Germanii, O Nefti, O 5 Internatsionale I O Proch. [About: Kursk, about the Komsomol, about May, about flight, about Chaplin, about Germany, about oil, about the 5th International and others]: [poems]. M.: Krasnaya nov', 1924.
Lot 783
90, [6] p.; 18 cm. Edition of 5,000 copies.
Published by Glavpolitprosvet. In the publisher's illustrated cover by R.M. Mazel. In good condition. Restoration of the cover (duplicated) and corners of pages.
Bibliography: Turchinsky. P. 345; Rozanov. No. 3361.