ESENIN SERGEI (1895-1925), THE POET’S FIRST BOOK Radunitsa: [a collection of poems]. 1916. Pg.: ed. of M.V. Averyanov; type. General Directorate of Udelov, 1916.

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62 p.; 17x14 cm. Edition of 930 copies. Verge paper. In typographic publisher’s cover. Professional restoration of spine and cover edges. Owner’s inscription on front cover: 'E.Chernyak'. The book was published in early 1916 by M.V.Averyanov publishing house in Petrograd with the close participation of the poet N.Klyuev. The book consisting of 33 poems was a kind of the result of early poetic experience of Esenin. The book was highly appreciated by A.A. Blok, Z.N. Gippius , H.A. Klyuev, S.M. Gorodetsky, S.Ya.Parnok The poet’s first book. Provenance: The family of Ya.K. Chernyak. Yakov Z. Chernyak (1898-1955) - literary scholar, historian of Russian literature and social movement in the nineteenth century. He met Esenin, was fond of his works. The personal library of Ya. Chernyak contained all lifetime editions of the poet’s books and collections, in which his works were published. On September 3, 1921, S. Esenin wrote on the book The Imaginists (M., 1921): 'To Chernyak. Friendly. S. Esenin'. Yelizaveta Borisovna Chernyak, née Tubina (1899-1971), married Y.3. Chernyak in 1920. She worked in the press department of the People’s Commissariat, then in the foreign department of ROSTA. Was engaged in literary translations, taught German. Bibliography: Turchinsky. С. 190; Okhlopkov. С. 73; Rozanov #2715; Lesmana. №846.