GONCHAROVA N.S. (1881-1965) Pouchkine A. Conte de tsar Saltan et de son fils le glorieux et puissant prince Gvidon Saltanovitch et de sa Belle princesse Cygne. Mis en francais par Claude Anet. Illustre et orne par Natalia Gontcharova. Paris: La Sirene, 1921.
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Design and illustrations by N. Goncharova. In the publisher’s Illustrated cardboard folder. According to the artist’s idea, the book is printed on six notebooks, not sewn, but enclosed in an ornamented on both sides of a publisher’s cardboard folder. Ex libris of Yu. Annenkov on the frontispiece.
French edition with ornaments and illustrations. The text of the tale is typesetting, color ornaments and illustrations are reproduced by hand stencilling.