Lot 175
Rapport sur le choléra-morbus de Moscou. M.: L’imprimerie d’Auguste Semen, 1832. - [6], 139, V, LXXXXIV, 215, II, 3, [2] p., 4 p. tab. 1 l. pl.; 24x19.5 cm. In an individual semi-leather binding. Faded cover, loss of the spine, pre-revolutionary numbers on the flyleaf and title page. Page with dedication to Prince Dmitry Vladimi-rovich Golitsyn (1771-1844) - the governor-general of Moscow at that time. Markus Michael (Karl-Franz) Antonovich (1790-1865) - Leib- surgeon, MD, Privy Counselor. From 1825, the chief physician of the Golitsyn hospital. From 1834, the doctor of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, in 1837, was appointed Life Doctor to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Having worked for a long time at court, he rose to the rank of a real secret adviser. Provenance: A copy from the library of the Russian bibliophile and bibliographer Alexander Nikolaevich Neustroyev (1825- 1902), as evidenced by the stamp exlibris on the title page.