C.A. CUI (1835-1918) - Autograph. A.G. RUBINSTEIN (1829-1894 C.A. CUI (1835-1918) - Autograph. A.G. RUBINSTEIN (1829-1894 Photography, atelier K. Shapiro, Pasted on cardboard.

Lot 562
17 x 10 cm. Bust portrait of the composer Cesar Cui in full dress. With a dedication by the composer. In addition, a photo- graph, atelier E. Bieber, Hamburg, 17 x 11 cm. Bust portrait of the composer Anton Rubinstein. Cesar A. Cui (1835 - 1918) - Russian composer and music cri- tic, member of the "Mighty Handful" and The Belyayev circle, Professor of fortification, engineer-general (1906).