[From the library of Prince S.V. Kudashev] Fauchier-Magnan, A. Lady Hamilton: (1763-1815): d’apres de nouveaux documents; ouvrage orne de portraits. 1912
Lot 981
Paris, 1912. - XIV, 381 p., 9 p. or; 18.5х12.5 cm. In an individual semi-leather binding of the era. Golden spine. A copy from the library of Prince S.V. Kudashev, as evidenced by the stamp exlibris on the flyleaf and the gold-colored super-ex libris with the letter «K» under the princely crown in the lower part of the spine.
Kudashev Sergey Vladimirovich, prince (1863-1933) - actual state councilor, chamberlain.