France, Ecole de Fointainebleau, before 1600 Gabrielle d’Estrée

Lot 604
20 00025 000
Gabrielle d’Estrée Oil on canvas 73 x 60 cm Very unusual representaion of half dressed Gabrielle d'Estrée (1573 - 1599) favorite of Henry IV, king of France. Together, they had three children. Gabrielle died of convulsions after drinking a lemon beverage at a dinner. She was pregnant of a fourth child. This portrait represents Gabrielle d’Estrée partly dressed of richly and nely executed garments that suggest the importance of her rank. Her delicate pale skin and the contour of her lines underline her beauty. L’Ecole de Fontainebleau characterised itself by its inspiration to the Italian Renaissance. Grace in the representation of the body, taste of re nement sensuality in the elongation of the bodies inspired by the Italian Mannerism are here revealed in a harmoniously balanced composition. This portrait of Gabrille d’Estrée can be put in relation with the important Ecole de Fointainebleau Portrait présumé de Gabrielle d'Estrées et de sa soeur la duchesse de Villars (Louvre, Paris) and Dame au bain (musée Condé, Chantilly). This painting will be included in the exhibition catalogue «La Joconde Nue», that will be published on occasion of the homonymous exhibition at the Domaine de Chantilly between June 1 and Octobre 6,2019.