BALMONT KONSTANTIN (1867-1942), AUTOGRAPH [Handwritten Collection of Poems]: Notebook with Poems Written in Balmont’s Own Hand. [Paris, 1930-1931]

Lot 830
85 000100 000
[52] pp.; 16 x 18 cm. Minor edits, author’s comments, and insertions throughout. In period full leather binding. Endpapers covered with patterned paper. All edges gilt. Ownership stamp ex-libris of Serge Lifar on endpapers, first, and last pages. Minor creases on the lower corners of the binding. Included poems: "Svet iznutri" [Light from Within], "Rodnoy Trilistnik" [Native Trefoil], "Tol’ko lyubov’" [Only Love], "Samoosuzhdennyy" [Self-Condemned], "Neprimirimyye" [The Irreconcilable], "Tsarstvo, i Sila i Slava" [The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory], "Ya lyublyu tebya" [I Love You], "Kanun" [The Eve], "Kaunas," "Kolyadnyy persten’" [The Koledari Ring], "Omela" [Mistletoe], "Lunnoye gadanye" [Moon Divination], "Lyudas Gira. Alyye maki" [Lyudas Gira. Scarlet Poppies], and others. The first poem is dated 1930, and the last is dated 1931. All poems are signed with the letter “K.” Most poems include details such as place, date, and time of composition, as well as additional notes on the circumstances or conditions of their creation. The final page lists periodicals and collections in which the poems were published. Provenance: From heritage of S.M. Lifar (1905-1986). Of unique historical and cultural value.