VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY (1893-1930) Mayakovsky izdevaetsya: Pervaya knizhitsa satiry. [Mayakovsky Mocks: The First Satirical Booklet]. Moscow: Vkhutemas, 1922.

Lot 774
48 p.; 17.5 cm. - (MAF. Moscow - future international - association of futurists: Poets series; No. 3). Edition of 5,000 copies. Publisher's composite cover. In good condition. Ownership inscription on the front cover: 'N. Rybakova / 22-VI-28'. The third book issued by the left art publishing house MAF (International Association of Futurists) in the printing house of Vkhutemas. The book includes ten poems. Dedicated, like the first book 'I Love,' to L.Yu.B. - Lila Yurievna Brik. Bibliography: Turchinsky. P. 344; Rozanov. No. 3350; Lesman. No. 1486.