NIKOLAI GUMILEV (1886-1921) Two translations by N. Gumilev, released in the series 'Vsemirnaya literatura. Angliya' ['World Literature. England']: Ballady o Robin Gude [Ballads of Robin Hood]. 1919 Kol'ridzh S.T. Poema o starom moryake [Coleridge S.T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner]. 1919

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Ballady o Robin Gude [Ballads of Robin Hood]. edited by N. Gumilev, foreword by M. Gorky. St. Petersburg, 1919. - 103 pages. Kol'ridzh S.T. Poema o starom moryake [Coleridge S.T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner]; translated and with a foreword by N. Gumilev. St. Petersburg, 1919. - 40 pages; 15x10.7 cm. Publisher's covers illustrated by A. Leo.