ALEXANDER HAMILTON RICE (1875-1956) Exploration in Brazilian Guiana. Rio Branco - Uraricuera - Parima. Paris, Société d'Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1937
Lot 806
1 Vol. in-4, 87 p., 2 maps in text (p.12-13) representing the portion of the Rio Negro, according to the official map and the same portion according to the map drawn up by the H. Rice Mission, 2 fold-out geological maps (the Guiana geanticlinal and block-diagram of the Guiana massif), CXXXV black plates of photographic illustrations.
Complete with three fold-out colour maps inserted on the reverse of the lower cover.
Bound in publisher's green percaline.
Small brown spots on the edges. A good copy.
In French.
28.5 x 23.5 x 4 cm
Alexander Hamilton Rice Jr.
American physician, geographer, geologist and explorer especially noted for his expeditions to the Amazon Basin. Professor of geography at Harvard University and founder and director of the Harvard Institute of Geographical Exploration (1929-1952).