CARLOS IV (1748-1819) KING OF SPAIN (1788-1808) Autograph and partly typed letter, signed «Yo El Rey» Aranjuez 7 June 1806, countersigned «José A Caballero» and countersigned on the reverse in Madrid on 11 June 1806 and 14 June 1806.
Lot 520
1p 1/2, in 4, headed «El Rey».
In Spanish.
Approval of the request for mutation of Mr. Martin Hartmann. ”Por quanto he resuelto que Dn Martin Hartmann subteniente de la tercera compania del primer batallon, del Regimiento de Infanteria suizo de Betschart pase a servir la subtenencia de la primera Compania del primer Batallon del de Reding numero segundo, por permuta que ha solicitado y he tenido a bien de aprobar…»
“Whereas I have resolved that Mr. Martin Hartmann, sub-lieutenant of the third company of the first battalion of the Swiss Infantry Regiment of Betschart, will serve the sub-lieutenancy of the first company of the first battalion of the second battalion of Reding, by exchange which he has requested and which I have been pleased to approve...».