[DADLEY J. (1767-1817)] The costume of the Russian Empire, illustrated by a series of seventy-three engravings. 1804.
Lot 282
3 5004 000
With descriptions in English and French. London, printed for William Miller, for William Bulmer & Cie, 1804.
One vol. in-4, 73 plates, full red Morocco with long grain, smooth back ornamented with oral friezes, golden and à la grotesque, framing on the lay ats of golden and small palmettes leaves, guilloche corners, thin golden garland on the inside edge (period binding).
Fragile lower clamp; inside water stains at the bottom of the page. First printing of this handsome collection representing all the nationalities of the Russian empire, including the Finns, Laplanders, Esthonians, Tcheremhisians, Votiakians, Samoyeians, Kalmouks, Kirghizes, Tatars, etc.
It comprises 73 colour plates with stipple engraving by J. Dadley, each showing a masculine or feminine, character, standing up or sometimes on horseback, in their native costume and generally magni cent.
A French-English bilingual text conveys comments and anecdotes on the clothing and the illustrated characters. A handsome specimen with a morocco-leather binding.