[19TH CENTURY JOHN AND WILLIAM CARY TABLE GLOBES] Earth and sky globe by J.&W. Cary, Regency, London, 1816-1826
Lot 841
25 00030 000
Earth globe: coloured engraving - 12 segments, divided at the equator. The meridian ring with scales, hour ring and hour hand.
Round horizon ring with glued-on engraving with degree divisions, zodiac signs, calendar, month indication, 32 cardinal points.
Inscribed in a recessed cartouche «Cary’s New Terrestial Globe delineated From the best Authorities extant; Exibiting the late Discoveries towards the North Pole, and every improvement in Geography to the present time. Made & Sold by G.&J. Cary, 86 St.James’s Street Jany 4 1826».
Celestial globe: Counterpart to the terrestrial globe. The individual constellations additionally depicted in figurative form.
Each set it four-legged braced mahogany wood stands.
Height: 45 cm, Total diameter: 46 cm, Diameter globes: approx. 32 cm
Set in their Regency-period mahogany stands, a 19th century pair of 12-inch terrestrial and celestial table globes by John and William Cary of London, generally regarded as the greatest British globe makers of the late Georgian period.
Fischer, Luzern Switzerland, 2011