Examples, How different compliments are written in German, that is, writings from patent to patents, congratulatory and ...
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Examples, How different compliments are written in German, that is, writings from patent to patents, congratulatory and regrettable, and others: also between relatives, and acquaintances; Translated from German into Russian and printed by the command of All Glory great sovereigns, her Imperial Majesty Catherine Alexeevna, all-Russian autocrat .; [trans. Mikhail Shafirov]. SPb., 1725, September.[2], 237, [4] p .; 14.5x9.5 cm. Leather binding. Accurate restoration of binding. Numerous errors, corrected by hand.
This edition is the fourth edition - a reprint of the edition of 1712, supplemented with new letter samples (from p.177). The previous editions were published in 1708.
Bibliography: CK XVIII. №5643; CK XVIII. add. №429; Sopikov. №8954.